Off - Leash Control Classes

In this 1-1.5 hr. class you will have a completely different dog. Our goals are to introduce the e-collar by establishing 100% recall, teaching your dog to sit/stay (if they don't know already) through high levels of distraction, walk by your side and a place command. I teach you how to communicate with your dog effectively so they respect the simple commands you give them. You will most likely be breaking old habits and creating new habits so give yourself grace and be open to learning. Dogs, like people, learn best when you are calm and clearly communicate with them. Learning how to have proper timing with the e-collar is also taught so you are comfortable with using it and consistently working with your dog when you return home.

Pricing for the first class:

  • 1 dog $150

  • 2 dogs $200

Each additional class:

  • 1 dog $50 per class

  • 2 dogs $80 per class

Please visit the E-collar page to see a few of the recommended e-collars. You must purchase the e-collar before scheduling a class.

Classes are scheduled according to both our schedules so please call to save your spot in my calendar.